We’re here to help
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Our concierge service provides professional care with convenience and safety. It’s easy to schedule an at-home blood draw with one of our experienced, certified, insured professional phlebotomists.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I send an order?
You or your doctor can fax an order to (877) 471-1327 / (949) 596-0903 or email your order to us at orders@myonsitehealthcare.com.
How much does it cost?
Costs can vary, usually $85+ depending on the area.
Is it covered by my insurance?
We can bill Medicare directly or you can pay out-of-pocket and submit your receipt for reimbursement.
How long does it take to get an appointment?
It can take up to 48 hours, it’s best to make your appointment as soon as you receive your lab orders.
Do you do PT/INR tests?
Yes, We do PT/INR tests.
Do you pick up urine & stool samples?
Yes, We pick up urine & stool samples.
How early do you come for fasting draws?
We offer early morning appointments and will work with you to fit your schedule.
Do you provide same-day or STAT services?
Yes, We do provide same-day or STAT services.
What happens if I forget to cancel my appointment and the phlebotomist comes to my home?
Unfortunately, without a 24-hour notice of cancellation, we have to charge you for the missed appointment.
Does myOnsite test the collected blood/specimen?
We will collect the blood or specimen, and deliver it to the specified laboratory.
Do you ship/deliver the collected blood to our preferred lab?
Yes, We do ship/deliver the collected blood to your preferred lab.
When and how will I receive my lab results?
Your physician will receive the results directly from the lab, and you can contact them for the information.
How to pay for the draw?
You can either pay online on our website https://myonsitehealthcare.com/pay-online or call us at (941) 271-0701 and pay by phone.
Do you provide nursing facilities?
No, we do not provide nursing facilities.
Can I reschedule an appointment?
Yes, call us 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. For any other questions or to make an appointment, please email us at info@myonsitehealthcare.com, or call or fax us at the numbers below.
Fax: (877) 471 1327 / (949) 596-0903
Call: (941) 271-0701
Kindly fill the form and one of us will get back to you shortly.
Common Inquiry Form
This is the common inquiry form we use on multiple web pagesContact information
(941) 271-0701, (877)-686-4440
Fax your orders to (877) 471-1327 or (949) 596-0903